Here are the details for An Feoch�n
This tune is a Air.
T:An Feochán
T:The Gentle Breeze
S:Frankie Kennedy recording
D:Altan - Horse with a Hear
Z:K. Gow
% TUNEdb Number 11148
E>F G/2E/2-E| {A}B2{^c/2B/2}A>B| G/2E/2-E d2| B/2^c/2d B/2c/2d| e>f d>f|
e3 B| g>B f>B| ef| eB F>B| E4:|!
ee- ed/2B/2| b/2^a/2b- b2| ee- ed/2B/2| d2- de/2f/2| e2 {f/2e/2} dB|!
g>B f>B|e>f ed| B/2^c/2d- d>e| E/2F/2G- Ge|B(4c/2B/2A/2G/2 F>B|EE- E2||!
B|EF G>B|E>^cd2|
W:These two measures (and pickup) are to be
W:substituted for the first two measures
W:the second time through the tune on the
W:repeated "A" part .
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : Woodenflute List
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All Known Names of this Tune
An Feochán
The Gentle Breeze