Here are the details for An Br\'ist\'in Mire
This tune is a Jig.
T:An Br\'ist\'in Mire
Z:In kind of D key really. Very similar to 'C\'unla' (Planxty)
Z:and 'I Buried My Wife and Danced on Top of Her' (e.g.Dervish)
Z:From Breathnach Cuid 1
% TUNEdb Number 9551
A | D2 E F2 G | A2 d cAG | A3 B2 G | ABA A2 F | D2 E F2 G | A2 d cAG |
F2 A G2 E |1 DDD D2 A :|2 DDD DFA |: d3 f2 d | e2 d cAG | A3 B2 G |
ABA A2 B | d2 e f2 d | e2 d cAG | F2 A G2 E |1 DDD DFA :|2 DDD D3 |
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : Robin Watson
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An Br\'ist\'in Mire