Here are the details for Acushla Gal MacHree
This tune is a Song.
T:Acushla Gal Machree
T:Thou Fair Pulse of my Heart
B:Joyce, P. W.; "Old Irish Folk Music and Songs"
W: I think of you by day, my love:
W: At night for you I pray, my love:
W:Alone or with my comrades, 'tis you I always see:
W: That God may send the time, my love,
W: When I can call you mine, my love;
W:To cherish and to guard you, acushla gal machree.
% TUNEdb Number 7219
D|G>FGA|B>c d z/B/|c>Bc e|d>B G z/D/|
G>A B/c/d/=e/|f2 dc|d =e/f/ g g|g3||d/=e/|
f =e f>d|g>f d z/B/|c B G>A|c B G>A|
B>c d z/c/|dg f/d/c/B/|c>E d z/E/|FF GG A3||
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : P.w. Joyce
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Acushla Gal MacHree
Thou Fair Pulse Of My Heart