Here are the details for Billy From Bruff
This tune is a Jig Song Air.
T:Billy from Bruff
B:Joyce, P. W.; "Old Irish Folk Music and Songs"
R:song air
H:From Jack Sheedy: a very old man: 1849. Bruff in Co. Limerick
% TUNEdb Number 7168
"Moderately and gracefully"\
E|EAB cBc|AdB GAB|EAB cBc|Aee e>cA/G/|
EAB cBc|AdB GAB|Gag ede|cAA A2:|
|:A|Aab aga|ega gdB|Aab age|def g2 d/B/|
Aab aga|ede gab|age dgB|cAA A2:|
|:c/d/|efe dcB|cAG EGB|AGA cBc|dcd e2 c/d/|
efe dcB|cAG G2 e/g/|age dgB|cAA A2:|
|:c/d/|eag a2 e|gfe dBG|eag aef|gdB G2 c/d/|
eag aef|g/f/a/g/e/f/ gab|age dgB|cAA A2:|
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : P.w. Joyce
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Billy From Bruff