Here are the details for An Gadaighe Gr\'ana
This tune is a Song.
T:An Gadaighe Gr\'ana
T:The Ugly Thief (ie, death)
T:The Goddhee Grawna
B:Joyce, P. W.; "Old Irish Folk Music and Songs"
H: Written from memory, as I learned it at home when a child. There is a
H:good setting in the Pigot Collection, where it is called "Castle Hyde,"
H:showing that that celebrated song was sometimes sung to it. There was an
H:Irish song to this air in which Shauneen gives an account of his encounter
H:with Death. The following is a free translation of the first verse into
H:Munster-English dialect:
W:On the road to Lim'rick as I walked fornenst it,
W: I met ould Daeth by a ditch side there:
W:The ugly thief with his poll against it,
W: Looked down on me with a dreadful stare.
W:"Welcome poor Shauneen, how far are you walking?
W: I'm a long time stalking by the ditch for you."
W:"Wisha my bones are exhausted, and there's no use talking,
W: My heart is scalded, a Wirrastru."
% TUNEdb Number 7147
"Rather slow"f/e/|dc A2 c/A/G/A/|FF F>G A f/e/|dc A2 c/A/G/A/|FF F2:|
F/G/|AA f2 ef|dd d>c A A/B/|cc c2 Ac|de f3 f/e/|
dc A2 c/A/G/A/|FF F>G A f/e/|dc A2 c/A/G/A/|FF F3||
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : P.w. Joyce
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All Known Names of this Tune
An Gadaighe Gr\'ana
The Ugly Thief (ie, Death)
The Goddhee Grawna