Here are the details for Barns O' Beneuches, The
This tune is a Reel.
T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
S:Digital Tradition, beneuchs
N:Collected from John Wight
B:From the Grieg-Duncan collection (360B)
W:My friens ane an' a' I'll sing you a sang
W:If ye all haud yer weeshts it winna tak' me lang
W:It's aboot a mannie Kemp, he's a caird tongued fang
W:For he rages like a deevil in the mornin'.
W:He's a wee little mannie wi' a fern tickled face
W:A' the days o' yer life ye bever saw sic a mess
W:Ye wid swear he hid deserted frae some tinkler race
W:Afore they had got a' wakened in the mornin'.
W:At the Barnyards o' Beneuches he has long been a grieve
W:But come May the twenty sixth he has to pad, I believe,
W:For he's sieged at his men, till his maister's gien him leave
W:So he canna get them up in the mornin'.
W:But when he doth rise ye niver heard sic a soun'
W:For he'll siege you and damn you like ony dragoon,
W:His lang caird tongue you'd hear't roun' the toon
W:Afore he gets his breakfast in the mornin'.
W:Dinna gang to the Barns if ye wish to be weel
W:A' the days o' yer life ye ne'er saw sic a chiel
W:He'll treat you to a breakfast o' buttermilk an' meal
W:Wi' a drink o' soor ale in ther mornin'.
W:We get beef bree whiles weel seasoned wi' reek
W:Wi' three seeds o' barley an' the smell o' a leek
W:If you're nae pleased wi' that he'll neen o' yer cheek
W:But he'll put you frae his toon in the mornin'
W:But if e'er sic a thing as a row should arise
W:My friens ane an' a' tak tent an' be wise
W:Keep quietness ifyou can or the wife will rise
W:Dancin' mad on her stockin's in the mornin'.
W:'Twas ae mornin' in March juist as near as I can
W:She came swearin' fae the blankets we'd bad used her man
W:With her sark tail wiggle waggle into the close she ran
W:Dancin' mad on her stockin's in the mornin'.
W:For a lang caird tongue she's the worst that I ken
W:Lord bless me! Sic a mornin' may I never see again
W:Five or sax naked bairnies a'rinnin' but an' ben
W:Cryin', "Od mammie's mad in the mornin'.
W:Says she to the shepherd, "Ye're nae frien o' mine
W:For a'body kens ye're a caird Hielan' thing
W:Ye tauld 'em doon at Brunan I gaed milk tae the swine
W:An' you soor ale to your porridge in the mornin'.
W:But it's May the twenty-saxt will be here in a crack
W:An' we'll a' leave the Barns never mair to gang back
W:We'll gang blithely doon the road like an ill-tongued pack
W:Singin' Kempie he can follow in the mornin'.
W:Now my name I will reveal if sic thing I ever hid
W:It's but the country clype I'll ne'er deny, gweed forbid
W:My neighbors a' that ken me weel they ca' me Jock Wid
W:Sae we'll up an' leave the Barns in the mornin'.
% TUNEdb Number 5715
"F#m"C2FF F2c2|""e2FF F2GF|"C#m"E2EE E2G2|"F#m"FAFE C2CC|
"A"AAAA "E"B2BB|"C#m"c2e2 G2FE|"F#m"FFe^d "C#m"cBAG|"F#m"F4 F2||
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : Martin Doering
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Barns O' Beneuches, The