Here are the details for Ad Or Haboker
This tune is a Reel.
T:Ad or haboker
% TUNEdb Number 5670
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2 |"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"D
m" A2 G2 "F" cB A2|
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2| "Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2|"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"Dm
" A2 G2 "F" A4|
"Dm" z A2 G "Gm" AB c2| "Dm" d2 c2 BA G2| z G2 F "Gm" GA B2| "F" c2 B2
"Dm" AG F2|
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2|"Dm" F A2 "F" F c2 d2|"Dm
" A2 G2 d4|
"Dm" z d2 c d4|"F" z c2 B cB A2|"Dm" z d2 c d2 e2|"F" z c2 B cB A2|
z"Gm" B2 A B2 d2|"Dm" z A2 G AG F2|"Gm" z B2 A B2 d2 |"Dm" A2 G2 A4|
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2 |"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"D
m" A2 G2 "F" cB A2|
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2 |"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"D
m" A2 G2 d4|
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : Mal Downie
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% TUNEdb Number 9609
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The requested URL /~seymour/runabc/ was not found on this server.
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These transcriptions are limited to personal use
as I am unable to guarantee that all of these tunes
are free of copyright restrictions in all countries.
For any other use, please contact me.
I am grateful to Deborah Jones (
and Vancouver International Folk Dancing for allowing
me to place some of their transcriptions in abc format
on the web.
Hints: if you are creating a midi file, the tunes sound
best when the melody line is assigned to a none percussion
instrument (which includes piano). Ideally the instrument
should have a sustained tone like a cello or wind instrument.
The tempo indication Q:1/4=.. indicates the desired speed.
If you are using runabc.tcl or abcmidifier, it does not override
the user setting providing most flexibility. If you wish it
to override the user selection, then move the Q: command to
after the first K: command (key signature indication) rather
than before in each of the tunes.
T: Ad or haboker
O: Israel
I:choreographer, M. Eskayo
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2 |"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"Dm" A2 G2 "F" cB A2|\
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2| "Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2|"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"Dm" A2 G2 "F" A4|
"Dm" z A2 G "Gm" AB c2| "Dm" d2 c2 BA G2| z G2 F "Gm" GA B2| "F" c2 B2 "Dm" AG F2|\
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2|"Dm" F A2 "F" F c2 d2|"Dm" A2 G2 d4|
"Dm" z d2 c d4|"F" z c2 B cB A2|"Dm" z d2 c d2 e2|"F" z c2 B cB A2|\
z"Gm" B2 A B2 d2|"Dm" z A2 G AG F2|"Gm" z B2 A B2 d2 |"Dm" A2 G2 A4|
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2 |"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"Dm" A2 G2 "F" cB A2|\
"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" G2 A2|"Dm" D F2 D "Gm" GG A2 |"Dm" F A2 F "F" c2 d2|"Dm" A2 G2 d4|
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : Seymour Shlien
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Ad Or Haboker