Here are the details for Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
This tune is a Schottische.
T:Hackett's Schottiche
T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
S:Basil Cosgrove
A:New England, New South Wales, Australia
Z:Transcribed into ABC by John Furlonger
% TUNEdb Number 5221
(3DEF|:G2 G>F G2- G>B|A>G A>B c2- (3cBc|d>g f>g e>c A>F|G>A (3BAG D2 (3DEF|!
G2 G>F G2- G>B|A>G A>B c2- (3cBc|d>g f>g e>c A>F|G2 G>F G>A B>c|!
d2 d>B d>B g>f|e>c A>c e2- e>f|(3gfg f>g e>c A>F|G>A (3BAG D2- (3DBc|!
d>B G>B d>B g>f|e>c A>c e2- e>f|(3gfg f>g e>c A>F|G2 G>F G2:|
Submitted by : kkrell
Collected by : John Furlonger
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Hackett's Schottiche
Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance