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Here are the details for Ballroom Reel, The

This tune is a Reel.


T:Ballroom Reel, The
D:Jean-Michel Veillon: E Koad Nizan
Z:transcribed by
% TUNEdb Number 1337
DF (3ABc d2Ac|df~f2 ecAc|dcBA {c}BAGF|{A}GDEF {A}GFEF|
DF (3ABc d2Ac|df^ef =ecAc|dcBA {c}BAGF|GABc dAFA|
DF (3ABc d2Ac|df~f2 ecAc|dcBA {c}BAGF|{c}BA{c}AG {A}GF{A}FE|
DF (3ABc d2Ac|df^ef =ecAc|dcBA {c}BAGF|GABc d3A||
defg {b}afdf|~g2fg ecAc|defg {b}afdf|{a}ge{b}ag {a}fddc|
defg a2fd|gafd ecAc|dcBA {c}BAGF|GABc d3A|
defg {b}afdf|~g2fg ecAc|defg a2{b}af|(3gab ag {a}fdce|
defg ~a3f|g2{a}fd ecAc|dcBA {c}BAGF|GABc d2AF||
This file contains 100 jigs (#1 - #100).
You can find more abc tune files at
I've transcribed them as I have learnt them, which does not necessarily mean
that I play them that way nowadays. Many of the tunes include variations and
different versions. If there is a source (S:) or discography (D:) included the
version transcribed might still not be exactly as that source played the tune,
since I might have changed the tune around a bit when I learnt it.
The tunes were learnt from sessions, from friends or from recordings.
When I've included discography, it's often just a reference to what recordings
the tune appears on.
Last updated 25 May 1998.
(c) Copyright 1996-1998 Henrik Norbeck. This file:
- May be distributed freely (with restrictions below).
- May not be used for commercial purposes (such as printing a tune book to sell).
- This file (or parts of it) may not be made available on a web page for
download without permission from me.
- This copyright notice must be kept, except when e-mailing individual tunes.
- May be printed on paper for personal use.
- Questions? E-mail:

Submitted by : kkrell

Collected by : Henrik Norbeck

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Ballroom Reel, The

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