Here are the details for Ballinafad Polka
This tune is a Polka.
T: Ballinafad Polka
S: "Treoir" 33/2
Z: B.Black
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
R: polka
K: G
% TUNEdb Number 14239
B2 B/c/B/A/|BG G>B|AG FG|AB cA|
B/c/B/A/ B/c/B/A/|BG G>B|AG FE|D2 DB/c/||
d>e dB|cA Ad/c/|BG EF|GF ED|
B/c/B/A/ B/c/B/A/|BG G>E|DG F/G/A|G2 G2|
|: b2 b/a/g/f/|g3 d|f2 f/e/d/B/|c3 d/c/|
BG gd|cA B/c/d|e2 fa|g2 g2:|
Submitted by : tunedb
Collected by : Zouki
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Ballinafad Polka