Other stuff
TUNEdb contains ...
Artists |
Summer Schools
- The Burwell Bash -
Flute/Whistle with Brian Finnegan plus fiddle, guitar and accordion.
Irish music
- Ceolas is a great starting place.
Wooden Flutes
Irish Music Workshops
ABC resources
- ABC2WIN is the standard for printing and displaying ABCs on a PC.
- ABCPlayer lets you play ABCs through your PC's sound card.
- ABC resources from the guy who thought
of the idea in the first place.
- Barfly
The main ABC program for Macintosh.
Web technology
- Zope is the Open Source technology we used
to develop the front-end of tunedb.
- MySQL is the Open Source database
which holds and finds the data.
- RedHat is the version of Linux on which
everything was developed.
- Richard Moon put TUNEdb together and specialises
in database design and database-driven web-sites for commerce and education.
Irish Connections
- Link Ireland for sites of Irish interest including tourism, music,
propert for sale, genealogy, business, arts, crafts and chat.