Welcome to TUNEdb!
This is TUNEdb, the traditional music database,
where you can search our database of traditional tunes and store
your tune information for the benefit of all.
Welcome to the largest collection of traditional tunes on the internet.
You can find tunes
by entering their name or,
if you do not know
the tune's name, by entering
a part of the tune itself. (This you can do by entering the notes themselves in ABC
form or by using TUNEdb's special 'down-up' search format.)
Great New Feature !!!. TUNEdb now displays tunes as notes on a stave. Make a search and see what
we mean.
Have a look at the What's New page for full details.
TUNEdb needs you and your feedback. Go here to find out
what help we need.
Or, join our mailing list for discussion of TUNEdb - what it's for, where it's going,
for you to post ideas and suggestions or get help. Just enter your email address in the box.
What is TUNEdb ?
TUNEdb is a database of
traditional tunes
from many different parts of the world. The information on the database is
put here
by contributors (see How to become a contributor for details).
However you do not have to be a contributor to use the database.
What information can I get out of TUNEdb ?
- TUNEdb holds the tunes themselves in ABC format
- You can download these tunes to a program that displays and/or plays ABCs.
Click Here for details.
- You can play the tunes straight from the web.
Click Here for details.
- You can download the tunes in standard notation.
Click Here for details.
What kind of questions can I ask TUNEdb ?

Here are some example queries which TUNEdb should be able to answer.
- Show me tunes with the word "Hare" in the title.
- Show me tunes containing the notes "gebd".
- Show me reels in A Major with a name beginning with the letter F.
- Show me all tunes starting DBGD in the key of G,
and transpose those notes into all keys and search again.
- Show me all tunes whose notes go down, down, up, up, up and down again.
Keen to try it out ?
Click on Search here, or on the top menu.